Lifecycle of a Ship
How do ships Build, Sail, and Dock?
Each Ship has four different states in its lifecycle:
Building - the state of a Ship right after deploy. During this Building state, Sailors can contribute ETH, and Captains can purchase NFTs.
Captains can only begin purchase NFTs once the ETH Minimum Threshold has been reached.
NFTs cannot be purchased after the Building state has ended.
Sailing - the state of a Ship after the Ship has "Set Sail". During this state, Captains can List NFTs for sale and Sailors can claim ETH after successful NFT sales.
The Captain can Set Sail to set the Ship into Sailing state anytime after the first NFT has been purchased
Sailors can Set Sail to set the Ship into Sailing state anytime after the Building period has ended && the Ship has purchased at least one NFT
Docked - once all of the NFTs purchased by the Ship are sold, the journey is considered complete and the Ship has DOCKED! Congrats to the Crew!
Ship Abandoned - if a Ship ends its fundraising and redistributes ETH prior to purchasing an NFT, it is considered Abandoned.
The Captain can Abandon Ship anytime before the first NFT is purchased
Sailors can Abandon Ship anytime after the Ship Building Period has ended && the Ship has no NFTs purchased
Last updated